Problem-Solving Courts
General Information
Over the past decade, a new trend has emerged as a way to forge new and creative responses to chronic social, human, and legal problems. Problem-solving courts seek to promote outcomes that not only assist the justice-involved individual and their family, but provide meaningful reparation for victims and the overall betterment and safety of the community. Through proper assessment, case plans are deployed utilizing evidenced-based practices that have shown promising results.
The Circuit Court currently operates three (3) Problem-Solving Courts for individuals who have been charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated (OVWI) as a Level 6 felony. Each of the Problem-Solving Courts are certified through the Indiana Supreme Court and enlist a myriad of community partners to achieve success.
Allen Circuit Restoration Court is a certified mental health court designed for those dual-diagnosed individuals with a mental health diagnosis and an alcohol and/or drug addiction.
Allen Circuit Veteran’s Court is a certified problem-solving court designed for honorably discharged veterans suffering from an alcohol and/or drug addiction.
Allen Circuit OVWI Court, the most recent problem-solving court to be certified in Allen County, is the first problem-solving court in Indiana designed to address the unique challenges brought by those charged with felony drunk driving. OVWI Court uses both an evidenced-based practices model and medication-assisted treatment in order to engage participants in positive behavioral change while maintaining community safety.
All of the Circuit Court’s problem-solving courts undergo regular Indiana Supreme Court review for compliance to stringent guidelines and requirements of operational features, participant services, and fidelity to desired outcomes.
You can learn more about each of Circuit Court’s problem-solving courts by clicking on the links below.