Allen Circuit Court takes pride in protecting all citizens and considering all risks when developing plans dealing with the Novel COVID-19 epidemic.

Allen County Courts Return Masking Option To Courtrooms Masks and facial coverings recommended; building access unrestricted

Fort Wayne, Ind.  August 12, 2021– In response to the surge in COVID-19 cases and Allen County’s return to orange status, the Allen County Circuit and Superior courts have updated their policy on the wearing of masks and facial coverings in court buildings.

Beginning immediately, at the direction of a Judge or Magistrate, masks might be required in courtrooms and other congregate settings. Such settings could include crowded gathering areas including hallways and lobby areas. This policy updated applies to the Allen County Courthouse, Meeks Justice Center, the Courthouse Annex and the Allen County Juvenile Center.

Mask wearing in court facilities is strongly recommended at all times. In the event that masking is required, masks will be provided at no charge. Masks are available to the public in court offices, at security checkpoints and in courtrooms at all times, regardless of whether masking is required.

Social distancing provisions also remain in effect in courtrooms, limiting crowd sizes. Jurors are also being protected by spreading out assemblies to limit crowd sizes and calling prospective jurors to the Courthouse in small groups.

The Allen County Judges considered other options for protecting the safety of court users and employees, including restrictions on access to court buildings. For now, the only change will be the option to require masks in courtrooms and other crowded settings. Court policy on masking and building access will be re-evaluated on a frequent basis until COVID-19 conditions improve.

All Allen County court facilities are currently open to the public without restriction.

Allen Circuit Court continues to operate in a modified format through August under terms of an emergency petition approved by the Indiana Supreme Court on March 17, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Social distancing and masks are required in order to enter the Courthouse and must remain on while in the courtroom.

Any changes to the Court’s operational status will be posted to this page under updates below.

Anyone with concerns about their legal rights during Indiana’s public health emergency related to COVID-19 is encouraged to call:

  • Your personal attorney

  • The Allen County Bar Association – (260) 423-2359

  • Volunteer Lawyer Program of Northeast Indiana – (260) 407-0917


UPDATE ON OPERATIONS: November 23, 2020

Limited Access to Court Facilities Starting November 23

COVID-19 resurgence limits access to Courthouse, Annex, Meeks, CDS and ACJC

The Judges of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts have jointly decided that public safety, and the preservation of the continuity of Court operations, requires immediate steps to reduce the number of people in the Allen County Courthouse, the Courthouse Annex, the Charles “Bud” Meeks Justice Center, Criminal Division Services and the Allen County Juvenile Center.

Beginning Nov. 23, entry to those five Court facilities will be limited to staff, litigants, witnesses, jurors, attorneys, media and those with business with the Clerk of the Courts, until at least Jan. 8, 2021.

During this period of limited access, many services provided by the Clerk’s office will continue to be available by appointment or remotely at To obtain an appointment for a Marriage License, please call (260) 449-7245; for Certified Copies, please call (260) 449-7890; for Financial Payments, please call (260) 449-7038.


The Circuit Court will operate in a modified format through August under terms of an emergency petition approved by the Indiana Supreme Court on March 17, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. See the latest Supreme Court order here.


Jury trials in Circuit Court are cancelled through at least April 30, 2020. Individuals who have been summoned for jury duty through April 16, 2020, may disregard those summonses. All other summonses for the month of April are being cancelled prior to mailing. Bench trials are still an option, if a defendant requests it. Sentencings and guilty pleas will take place as scheduled.

UPDATE: March 24, 2020

ALLEN CIRCUIT JURY SERVICE UPDATE: There are no jury trials scheduled in Allen Circuit Court until May.

UPDATE: Wednesday, March 18, 9 a.m.